Artwork by

Black Locust Small Journal


acorn designs journal color swatch

The following description appears on the inside cover of your small journal.


The black locust tree is presently naturalized over most of the eastern United States, occurring in some western states into British Columbia, and also has been imported throughout Europe. This large member of the pea family has spreading, ferny foliage, and in late spring produces pendant spikes of honey-sweet blossoms.

Pioneers early learned the high qualities of the black locust which produces the strongest wood in all of North America outside of the tropics. Of particular note is that it is our most durable of woods…it can outlast any other species in contact with the soil and makes excellent fenceposts. Its wood is also of the highest value as a fuel.

This fast-growing tree can reach 80 feet or more, occasionally to 120 feet, the trunk being 3-4 feet thick. Locust trees can quickly move into abandoned fields, spreading by seed or adventitious roots forming dense groves. They are characteristically twisted in form; however, like anything in nature, there is much variety. Varieties of black locust exist which are exceedingly straight; one variety in particular is known as “Shipmast Locust.” Locust trees like “Shipmast” are distinctly more valuable as an alternative to replace our current reliance on toxic chemicals to produce out decay-resistance pressure treated woods.

artwork by Camille Doucet

text by Steve Sierigk