Artwork by

Forest Floor Journal


acorn designs journal color swatch

The following description appears on the inside cover of your journal.


The forest floor in spring is alive with surprises, so watch where you step: that’s white trillium at your feet, fair as any lily. And look around: tinier, more delicate, and no less beautiful wildflowers like spring-beauty and hepatica bloom in the duff. Look closer and you notice that those tall, tripartite leaves among the trillium belong to Jack, jack-in-the-pulpit. The floral leaf or spathe folds over the upright spadix, the preacher in his covered pulpit, to create an altogether charming effect. The dead leaves of last autumn rustle unexpectedly; perfectly camouflaged, a tiny thrush-like warbler hops through, the "ovenbird" so called because of the domed nest she builds on the ground. "Tea-cher, tea-cher,"she says. There’s more here than first meets the eye.

artwork by Bernard C. Scott (c) 1994
text by Peter Fortunato