Artwork by

Broad-billed Hummingbird Lokta Card


  • Our images are set in a frame on this beautiful, handmade paper from the Nepalese Lokta shrub.
  • This tree-free paper is both environmentally friendly and sustainably harvested.
  • Each card comes with an envelope and is packaged individually in 100% biodegradable cellophane sleeve.
  • Cards are blank on the inside for your message.
  • Back of card has educational story, shown below in description.


One of the most diminutive and colorful hummingbirds in North America, the male Broad-billed Hummingbird has a bright reddish bill, a dark green body and a brilliant green throat. The female is much plainer in coloration. This hummer ranges from the southwestern U.S. to southern Mexico. In Mexico most Broad-billed hummers are year-round residents but in late spring and summer many individuals migrate to northern Mexico, portions of southeastern Arizona, southwestern New Mexico and the Big Bend region of Texas to breed.

Broad-billed Hummingbirds inhabit riparian woodland zones or arid canyons at low to moderate elevations during breeding months. Like all hummers, they obtain the bulk of their energy from floral nectar produced by diverse wild and cultivated plants. The Broad-billed remains a little-studied bird mostly because its range is restricted to remote areas.

In true hummingbird style, the Broad-billed is able to hover, fly backwards, and even manoeuvre sideways. To feed itself, it must eat constantly. At night when feeding is not possible, it is able to lower its body temperature and enter a life-preserving torpor.

Biologists have come to view hummingbirds as an environmental gauge. Hummers are delicate and sensitive enough to react to slight changes in their surroundings.

artwork by Kathy Schlough, text by Steve Sierigk