Artwork by

Affection Lokta Card


  • Our images are set in a frame on this beautiful, handmade paper from the Nepalese Lokta shrub.
  • This tree-free paper is both environmentally friendly and sustainably harvested.
  • Each card comes with an envelope and is packaged individually in 100% biodegradable cellophane sleeve.
  • Cards are blank on the inside for your message.
  • Back of card has educational story, shown below in description.


The future is in the hands of our young. They will inherit our world and all of its complexities. We teach them all we can, but they will need to find their own legs, and as they begin to venture out, we must learn to let them go. But when they are young and trusting, the outside world does not yet matter. What could be more important and fulfilling than the look of innocence and love looking back at you? Embracing a simple moment of pure affection is what makes it all worthwhile.

artwork by Meghan Kennedy © 2004