Artwork by

Holly Lokta Card


  • Our images are set in a frame on this beautiful, handmade paper from the Nepalese Lokta shrub.
  • This tree-free paper is both environmentally friendly and sustainably harvested.
  • Each card comes with an envelope and is packaged individually in 100% biodegradable cellophane sleeve.
  • Cards are blank on the inside for your message.
  • Back of card has educational story, shown below in description.


Holly is a mostly evergreen shrub or small tree of which there are several hundred species found in many places around the world. Hollies were once abundant in woodlands and along hedgerows. Many songbirds as well as wild turkeys enjoy the fruit of the holly.

Since ancient times, holly has been symbolic of immortality and protection from evil spirits. The Druids advised people to take holly into their homes at the start of winter for this reason, as well as to ward off winter depression. Thus our custom of decorating with holly during the winter holidays. Holly has also been regarded as a plant of “good omen” and can even ward off the thunder and lightning.

Holly has medicinal qualities as well. Extracts from the leaves can be used to treat coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia, rheumatism and fevers as well as many other symptoms. Meditating with holly can calm the mind and allow clear decisions to be made.

artwork by Bente King © 2001
text by Anne Trawick