Artwork by

Heron Portrait Lokta Card


  • Our images are set in a frame on this beautiful, handmade paper from the Nepalese Lokta shrub.
  • This tree-free paper is both environmentally friendly and sustainably harvested.
  • Each card comes with an envelope and is packaged individually in 100% biodegradable cellophane sleeve.
  • Cards are blank on the inside for your message.
  • Back of card has educational story, shown below in description.


This majestic bird is at home in small streams, marshes, or at the shores of ponds, lakes, or ocean bays. Great Blue Herons are large birds (4 feet tall, 6 foot wingspan) that nest across North America from Alaska to Mexico.

The heron is a truly picturesque bird; plumage and greatly lengthened feathers form a beautiful crest and elegant chest and back plumes. The Great Blue Heron’s distinctive flight is slow and ponderous. The neck is drawn back so that the head is hunched down on the shoulders; the legs trail behind serving as a rudder.

These herons are solitary hunters. Food items captured by lightning-quick jabs of the pointed bill include fish, water snakes, eels, amphibians and insects.

The heron can teach us to be self-reliant and to follow our own path, however non-traditional that may be. Herons teach us to trust our innate wisdom.

artwork by Phoebe Aceto

text by Steve Sierigk